Thursday, January 24, 2013


The college in which I am employed recently had a discussion amongst the staff about the Institutional Value, Diversity. The discussion of Diversity amongst the college professionals was surprising to me. Culture was identified on more than one occasion as customs, values, traditions. On the other hand diversity in this situation was discussed simply in terms of surface culture. One individual addressed the differences between individual culture and cultural differences, but otherwise many references to diversity simply revolved around ethnicity. Family culture was also mentioned as a difference that is not often taken into account in Higher Education settings, this including the way children have been raised and the roles they play in their family culture. It was stated and seemed to be a general consensus that differences should be accented, not as a means to stereotype, but as a way to gather information and learn from one another. The idea of assimilation and viewing individuals as either a fruit salad or a fondue pot was also mentioned. The fruit salad requires many different kinds of fruit and when all mixed together each still maintains they uniqueness, but collaborate to make a delicious salad. On the other hand different ingredients are also used to make fondue, but over time they all blend and melt together no longer uniquely identifiable, but still delicious.

 I am including a link to a video by Jane Elliott that was done in the 1970s in a classroom to discuss stereotyping, but also to show how teachers and authority can influence the perception of children.


  1. Mandy,
    Thank you for your post. I like the idea of a fruit salad, which is what America should be and partially is at least on an individual level. While family culture and tradition are important inidividuals still should have the choice to choose what their individual culture is composed of.

  2. I hadn't heard the fruit salad idea before and really like that. It focuses on each person bringing their own self to the mix. When we all come together and share what we have it only enhansed the positive aspects of our cultures. Thanks for the insight!
